Play your part at OFM’s winter drives
This winter, OFM invites listeners, clients, and stakeholders to come and play their part for charity at various drives, including the popular Shoprite Checkers OFM Chip 4 Charity golf days and Boeries 4 Blankets fundraiser.
The Sound of Your Life will be stopping off in Hartswater, Potchefstroom, and Bethlehem.
According to Anchen Lintvelt, OFM sales and marketing manager, these two campaigns are designed to help those in need during the cold winter months and to contribute towards making a difference in the lives of individuals with health-related problems.
“We are very excited to be able to host the Shoprite Checkers OFM Chip 4 Charity golf days again this year, and even more to bring the famous ‘Boerie’ sales back! Our partners play a massive role in helping us execute these events successfully and we want to invite the community to support us by getting in touch with the Round Tables involved to show your support. Or, just come and make your donation by buying a boerie!”
When the cold bites, take a bite of a boerie! Ahead of the Chip 4 Charity events, Boeries 4 Blankets challenges you to buy a boerie for a donation of R30 or more and make the cold months a little warmer for those in need. Round Table will use the donations to purchase blankets, clothes and food for old age and children’s homes in the towns.
Chip 4 Charity will once again see golfers going for gold on the green. This year’s beneficiaries are:
Jan Roux (17) from Hartswater was diagnosed with Myoepithelial Carcinoma in March this year. He has received radiation treatment but the cancer has not gone into remission. Jan now requires chemotherapy.
Louisa Klopper from Potchefstroom requires surgery and chemotherapy as part of her breast cancer treatment.
Lisa Engelbrecht (5) from Bethlehem is battling chronic granulomatous disease. She received a stem cell transplant, but her body rejected it, and she requires further treatment.
The format for all three golf days will be a four-ball alliance, with two scores to count. There will also be R45 000 in prizes up for grabs across the three golf days. The four-balls can be booked at R2 000 (each four-ball includes an OFM gift, a round of 18 holes, a halfway lunch, dinner, and live entertainment). See booking details for each venue below.
For Hartswater Golf Club, phone 053 474 0027; for the event at Potchefstroom Country Club, contact Christo du Plessis at 078 120 2374; and, for the Bethlehem Golf Club event, contact Ruan Kok at 062 533 8002.
Waterholes are available at the clubs at R2 000 each.
Karoo Musiek will provide live entertainment after the prizegiving.
Those who are not going to play golf for charity are encouraged to support the Boeries 4 Blankets drive, held at the towns, the day before the golf days.
OFM will visit the following venues where you can buy a boerie for a donation of R30 or more between 12:00 and 17:00.
- 28 June 2023: Round Table Harts 186 Clubhouse in Hartswater – hosted by Penguin Verkoeling
- 5 July 2023: Eastvaal Toyota in Potchefstroom – hosted by Eastvaal Toyota
- 12 July 2023: Dihlabeng Mall in Bethlehem – hosted by Coopers Environmental Science
OFM’s At Lunch will broadcast live from the charity drives on the above-mentioned dates from 12:00 to 15:00.
For further information, contact: marketing@ofm.co.za. ENDS
OFM, the Sound of Your Life, is Central South Africa’s premier commercial radio station, offering a mix of music, news, and entertainment. The station celebrated 35 years in the broadcasting industry in 2021. OFM is part of the Central Media Group, with its head office in Bloemfontein, and a satellite studio in Welkom.
The station serves the affluent SEM 7-10 economically active marketplace with a broadcast footprint across the Free State, Northern Cape, southern Gauteng and North West. OFM is synonymous with the people of Central South Africa, and includes a full spectrum of listeners, from urban working moms and dads to corporate professionals, as well as rural communities and agricultural producers.
The station has an incredibly loyal and supportive audience. OFM enjoys one of the highest occurrences of time spent listening to the radio in South Africa. This is achieved by the station’s great music offerings – such as playing listeners their favourite songs on the Request Network and counting down Central South Africa’s 30 biggest hits on the Central SA Top 30.
OFM offers several niche features – including a dedicated agricultural programme with three additional agricultural news updates a day, as well as a dedicated business programme with two additional economic news updates throughout the day.
Sport is close to OFM listeners’ hearts and is what brings much of Central South Africa together. The station is a proud partner, sponsor, and supporter of the Cheetahs, Griquas and Leopards rugby teams as well as the Knights, Heat and Dragons cricket teams. OFM is committed to living the real good life, while at the same time helping Central South Africans to live their best lives.
Speel jou rol by OFM se winterinsamelings
Hierdie winter nooi OFM luisteraars, kliënte en belanghebbendes uit om hul deel vir liefdadigheid te kom doen by verskeie geleenthede, insluitend die gewilde Shoprite Checkers OFM Chip 4 Charity-gholfdae en Boeries 4 Blankets-fondsinsameling.
Die Klank van jou Lewe gaan Hartswater, Potchefstroom en Bethlehem besoek.
Luidens Anchen Lintvelt, OFM verkoops- en bemarkingsbestuurder, is hierdie twee veldtogte ontwerp om behoeftiges gedurende die koue wintermaande by te staan en om by te dra om ‘n verskil te maak in die lewens van individue met lewensbedreigende siektes.
“Ons is baie opgewonde om vanjaar weer die Shoprite Checkers OFM Chip 4 Charity-gholfdae te kan aanbied, en nog meer om die bekende Boerie-verkope terug te bring! Ons vennote speel ‘n groot rol om ons te help om hierdie geleenthede suksesvol te maak en ons wil die gemeenskap nooi om ons te ondersteun deur in verbinding te tree met die betrokke Round Table om jou ondersteuning te wys. Of kom lewer jou bydrae deur ’n boerie te koop!”
As die koue byt, vat ‘n hap van ‘n boerie! Voor die Chip 4 Charity-geleenthede daag Boeries 4 Blankets jou uit om ‘n boerie te koop vir ‘n skenking van R30 of meer en die koue maande ‘n bietjie meer draaglik vir behoeftiges te maak. Round Table sal die skenkings gebruik om komberse, klere en kos vir ouetehuise en kinderhuise in die dorpe aan te koop.
Chip 4 Charity sal ook weer toesien dat gholfspelers hul beste gee op die baan. Vanjaar se begunstigdes is:
Jan Roux (17) van Hartswater is in Maart vanjaar met Mioepitheliale Karsinoom gediagnoseer. Hy het bestraling ontvang, maar die kanker het nie in remissie gegaan nie. Jan benodig nou chemoterapie.
Louisa Klopper van Potchefstroom benodig chirurgie en chemoterapie as deel van haar borskankerbehandeling.
Lisa Engelbrecht (5) van Bethlehem het chroniese granulomatiese siekte. Sy het ‘n stamseloorplanting ontvang, maar haar liggaam het dit verwerp en sy het verdere behandeling nodig.
Die formaat vir al drie gholfdae sal ‘n vierbal-alliansie wees, met twee tellings om te geld. Daar sal ook R45 000 se pryse op die spel wees oor die drie gholfdae. Die vierballe kan teen R2 000 bespreek word (elke vierbal sluit in ‘n OFM-geskenk, ‘n rondte van 18 putjies, ‘n middagete halfpad, aandete en vermaak). Sien die besprekingsbesonderhede vir elke dorp hieronder.
Vir Hartswater Gholfklub, skakel 053 474 0027; vir die Potchefstroom Buiteklub, kontak Christo du Plessis by 078 120 2374; en, vir die Bethlehem Gholfklub-geleentheid, tree in verbinding met Ruan Kok by 062 533 8002.
Watergate is beskikbaar by die klubs teen R2 000 elk. Karoo Musiek sal ná die prysuitdeling vermaak verskaf.
Diegene wat nie vir liefdadigheid gaan gholf speel nie, word aangemoedig om die Boeries 4 Blankets-insameling, wat by die dorpe gehou is, die vorige dag te ondersteun.
OFM sal die volgende plekke besoek waar jy tussen 12:00 en 17:00 ‘n boerie kan koop vir ‘n skenking van R30 of meer.
- 28 Junie 2023: Tafelronde Harts 186 Klubhuis in Hartswater – geborg deur Penguin Verkoeling
- 5 Julie 2023: Eastvaal Toyota in Potchefstroom – geborg deur Eastvaal Toyota
- 12 Julie 2023: Dihlabeng Mall in Bethlehem – geborg deur Coopers Environmental Science
OFM se At Lunch sal vanaf 12:00 tot 15:00 regstreeks vanaf die liefdadigheidsgeleenthede op bogenoemde datums uitsaai.
Vir verdere inligting, kontak: marketing@ofm.co.za. EINDIG
Waarom OFM
OFM, die klank van jou lewe, is Sentraal-Suid-Afrika se voorste kommersiële radiostasie, wat ’n verskeidenheid musiek, nuus en vermaak bied. Die stasie het in 2021, 35 jaar in die uitsaaiwese gevier. OFM is deel van die Central Media Group, met sy hoofkantoor in Bloemfontein, en ‘n satellietateljee in Welkom.
Die stasie bedien die welvarende SEM 7-10 ekonomies aktiewe mark met ‘n uitsaaigebied wat die Vrystaat, Noord-Kaap, Suid-Gauteng en Noordwes insluit. OFM is sinoniem met die mense van Sentraal Suid-Afrika, en sluit ‘n volle spektrum van luisteraars in, van stedelike werkende ouers, tot korporatiewe professionele persone, sowel as landelike gemeenskappe en landbouprodusente.
Die stasie het ‘n ongelooflike lojale en ondersteunende gehoor. OFM se luisteraars spandeer van die meeste tyd wat luisteraars in Suid-Afrika spandeer om radio te luister. Dit word bereik deur die stasie se gepaste musiekaanbiedinge – luisteraars kan hul gunstelingliedjies op die Request Network versoek en op Saterdae kan hulle inskakel om saam Sentraal-Suid-Afrika se 30 grootste treffers op die Central SA Top 30 af te tel.
OFM bied verskeie nisprogramme aan – insluitend ‘n toegewyde landbouprogram met drie bykomende landbounuusopdaterings per dag, sowel as ‘n toegewyde besigheidsprogram met twee bykomende ekonomiese nuusopdaterings deur die loop van die dag.
Sport lê OFM-luisteraars na aan die hart en dit is wat baie Sentraal-Suid-Afrikaners bymekaar bring. Die stasie is ‘n trotse vennoot, borg en ondersteuner van die Cheetahs-, Griekwas- en Luiperds-rugbyspanne, asook die Knights, Heat en Dragons krieketspanne. OFM is daartoe verbind om die regte goeie lewe te lei, en terselfdertyd Sentraal-Suid-Afrikaners te help om hul beste lewens te lei.