OFM stel eksklusiewe handelsware bekend
’n Eerste vir OFM en beslis iets vir alle fans, asook almal wat van klerasie met ’n kwinkslag hou. Wat is dan nou beter as om na jou gunsteling radiostasie te luister en nou ook unieke klere van OFM te kan dra?
CLOSET – ’n splinternuwe inisiatief waardeur OFM verskeie items te koop aan al ons luisteraars gaan aanbied. Hierdie unieke winkel word eksklusief by Graan SA se NAMPO Oesdag vanaf 16 tot 19 Mei 2023 aangebied!
Elke jaar bied OFM lekker aktiwiteite by ons buite-uitsendingseenheid aan, maar hierdie jaar wil jy beslis nie die OFM span misloop nie!
Luidens Anchen Lintvelt, OFM verkoops- en bemarkingsbestuurder, is CLOSET ‘n opwindende nuwe projek deur OFM wat ontwerp is vir al ons luisteraars.
“En watter beter plek om ons eksklusiewe reekse bekend te stel as by Graan SA se NAMPO-Oesdag. Maak seker jy besoek die OFM buite-uitsending om ons ‘cool’ klerasie in die hande te kry.”
“Real good stuff, for real good people.”
CLOSET gaan ’n wye verskeidenheid T-hemde verkoop met unieke sêgoed – iets vir elke smaak. Daar is ook ’n spesiaal ontwerpte Versus sokkies – beslis enig in sy soort! Die immergewilde en bekende #OFMBakkieArm gaan ook daar te koop aangebied word.
CLOSET begin met ’n beperkte aantal produkte, maar hou gerus die spasie dop vir veel meer unieke items waarmee jy jou klerekas kan aanvul!
Volg OFM se sosiale media platforms vanaf 10 Mei 2023 waar jy eksklusief kan gaan kyk na al die beskikbare ontwerpe.
Aankooppryse is billik en markverwant. Ons produkte se kwaliteit is van hoë gehalte en almal wat ’n stukkie aanskaf kan dit met groot trots dra!
*Neem kennis, slegs kaartfasiliteite is in die waentjie winkel beskikbaar en geen kontant sal aanvaar word nie.
Vir verdere inligting kontak marketing@ofm.co.za.
OFM launches exclusive merchandise
A first for OFM and definitely something for all fans and everyone who loves clothing ‘with a twist’. So what’s better than listening to your favourite radio station? Being able to wear unique clothes from OFM!
CLOSET – a brand new initiative where OFM will offer various items for sale to all our listeners exclusively at Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day from 16 to 19 May 2023!
Every year, OFM presents fun at our outside broadcast unit, but this year you definitely won’t miss the OFM team!
According to Anchen Lintvelt, OFM Sales and Marketing Manager, CLOSET is an exciting new project by OFM designed for all our listeners.
“And what better place to launch our exclusive ranges than at this year’s Grain SA’s Nampo Harvest Day. Make sure you visit the OFM outside broadcast to get your hands on our cool gear.
“Real good stuff, for real good people.”
CLOSET will sell a wide variety of T-shirts with unique slogans – something for every taste. There is also a specially designed limited edition Versus pair of socks – definitely one of a kind! The ever-popular and famous #OFMBakkieArm will also be available for sale.
CLOSET starts with a limited number of products, but watch this space for many more unique items to complement your wardrobe!
Follow OFM’s social media platforms from 10 May 2023 where you can have an exclusive look at all the designs available.
Purchase prices are fair and market-related. Our products are of high quality and everyone who acquires a piece can wear it with great pride!
*Please note, only card facilities are available in the store and no cash will be accepted.
For further information contact marketing@ofm.co.za.
OFM, the Sound of Your Life, is Central South Africa’s premier commercial radio station, offering a mix of music, news, and entertainment. The station celebrated 35 years in the broadcasting industry in 2021. OFM is part of the Central Media Group, with its head office in Bloemfontein, and a satellite studio in Welkom.
The station serves the affluent SEM 7-10 economically active marketplace with a broadcast footprint across the Free State, Northern Cape, southern Gauteng and North West. OFM is synonymous with the people of Central South Africa, and includes a full spectrum of listeners, from urban working moms and dads to corporate professionals, as well as rural communities and agricultural producers.
The station has an incredibly loyal and supportive audience. OFM enjoys one of the highest occurrences of time spent listening to the radio in South Africa. This is achieved by the station’s great music offerings – such as playing listeners their favourite songs on the Request Network and counting down Central South Africa’s 30 biggest hits on the Central SA Top 30.
OFM offers several niche features – including a dedicated agricultural programme with three additional agricultural news updates a day, as well as a dedicated business programme with two additional economic news updates throughout the day.
Sport is close to OFM listeners’ hearts and is what brings much of Central South Africa together. The station is a proud partner, sponsor, and supporter of the Cheetahs, Griquas and Leopards rugby teams as well as the Knights, Heat and Dragons cricket teams. OFM is committed to living the real good life, while at the same time helping Central South Africans to live their best lives.
Waarom OFM
OFM, die klank van jou lewe, is Sentraal-Suid-Afrika se voorste kommersiële radiostasie, wat ’n verskeidenheid musiek, nuus en vermaak bied. Die stasie het in 2021, 35 jaar in die uitsaaiwese gevier. OFM is deel van die Central Media Group, met sy hoofkantoor in Bloemfontein, en ‘n satellietateljee in Welkom.
Die stasie bedien die welvarende SEM 7-10 ekonomies aktiewe mark met ‘n uitsaaigebied wat die Vrystaat, Noord-Kaap, Suid-Gauteng en Noordwes insluit. OFM is sinoniem met die mense van Sentraal Suid-Afrika, en sluit ‘n volle spektrum van luisteraars in, van stedelike werkende ouers, tot korporatiewe professionele persone, sowel as landelike gemeenskappe en landbouprodusente.
Die stasie het ‘n ongelooflike lojale en ondersteunende gehoor. OFM se luisteraars spandeer van die meeste tyd wat luisteraars in Suid-Afrika spandeer om radio te luister. Dit word bereik deur die stasie se gepaste musiekaanbiedinge – luisteraars kan hul gunstelingliedjies op die Request Network versoek en op Saterdae kan hulle inskakel om saam Sentraal-Suid-Afrika se 30 grootste treffers op die Central SA Top 30 af te tel.
OFM bied verskeie nisprogramme aan – insluitend ‘n toegewyde landbouprogram met drie bykomende landbounuusopdaterings per dag, sowel as ‘n toegewyde besigheidsprogram met twee bykomende ekonomiese nuusopdaterings deur die loop van die dag.
Sport lê OFM-luisteraars na aan die hart en dit is wat baie Sentraal-Suid-Afrikaners bymekaar bring. Die stasie is ‘n trotse vennoot, borg en ondersteuner van die Cheetahs-, Griekwas- en Luiperds-rugbyspanne, asook die Knights, Heat en Dragons krieketspanne. OFM is daartoe verbind om die regte goeie lewe te lei, en terselfdertyd Sentraal-Suid-Afrikaners te help om hul beste lewens te lei.