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Central Media Group: Level 1 Lockdown regulations and return to work policy

Central Media Group of companies, including OFM, Mahareng Publishing, and Digital Platforms, have adopted and executed as per The Alert Level 1 Regulations in terms of the Disaster Management Act: Regulations: Alert level 1 during the Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown.

Industries are encouraged to adopt a work-from-home strategy where possible, and all staff who can work remotely must be allowed to do so: Working hours for the entire company will remain from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday.

Workers above the age of 60 as well as those with co-morbidities: Staff with risky immune systems will continue to work remotely, until further notice. These staff members has been identified and spoken to independently.

There should be workplace protocols in place that would include disease surveillance and prevention of the spread of infection: We have embraced a behavioural change with regularly sanitising, wearing of face masks and practising social distancing of at least a 1.5 metre.

All staff will continue with the daily screening and temperature assessment:

All staff and visitors to our premises must complete the online questionnaire. QR codes placed at reception for easy access.

Screening at reception is mandatory. If you are found to not have screened yourself when entering the building, you will be asked to leave. This is a non-negotiable.

Mask are Mandatory: All employees to use a cloth mask.  If you do not have a mask on when entering the property, you will be denied access. Wearing of masks will be mandatory at all times.

Work environment to have sanitisers available or hand-washing facilities with soap: Building equipped with pump, spray and electronic sanitisers and wipes are at strategic point in and around the building.

Stringent social distancing measures should be implemented in the workplace: Social distancing protocols in place including the seating arrangements for staff. The same applies to the coffee stations, and the canteen area, and the smoking area. All markings in place at relevant areas.

Meeting rooms and board rooms will have a maximum seating arrangements.

MAX person’s allowed. Ten in the main boardroom – Eight in M Room. 

Other protocols implemented for Level 2 will continue into Level 1:

Company deliveries will be accepted at reception.

All clients and/or visitors must wear masks and will be subjected to a screening protocol, as this is a mandatory regulation.

Winners Collection times – Friday’s ONLY between 12pm and 2pm. Our Programming Coordinator, will inform all winners of our collection times. A notice will also be visible in the window at the Security Booth, so that security doesn’t have to hassle with any prospective winners about times.

Fleet:  Six in the Tourneo and Three in the Ford Eco-sport.

This change in our own regulations comes into effect as of Monday, 21 September 2020.

Compliance COVID-19 Officer: Chimè Meyers, Office Manager, 082 685 2965

CMG has a designated COVID -19 compliance committee, namely
•Nick Efstathiou: CEO,
•Jan van der Walt: Chief Technology Officer,
•Thando Mohlamme: Group HR Manager,
*Chimè Meyers, Office Manager.

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