
Audio delivers (de)light despite load shedding

Podcasts are “power cut proof”, so to speak, as these can be downloaded and offlined before load shedding and enjoyed during.

It’s safe to say that nobody considers load shedding to be “fun”. It may well end up in the South African slang dictionary as the antonym for fun.

One thing the experience has made us all is highly adaptable. In both a personal and professional capacity, it has built a kind of resilience that doesn’t excuse the crisis but does add some reprieve for how we view problems moving forward.

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Win R37 000 with OFM’s THE 37!

This year, OFM celebrates 37 years of the Sound of Your Life, and as we’ve also marked 2023 as ‘showtime’, Central South Africa’s number one commercial radio station brings our listeners another exciting competition with a chance to win R37 000 cash this August.

From Wednesday, 2 August 2023, OFM will play a montage of 37 songs on air, which have to correctly identified, in order, to enter for a chance to win the R37 000 cash.

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OFM winter drives raise over R500 000 for Central South Africa

This winter OFM, the Sound of Your Life, invited listeners, clients, and stakeholders to come and play their part for charity at various drives, including the popular Shoprite Checkers OFM Chip 4 Charity golf days and Boeries 4 Blankets fundraiser.

More than R260 000 was raised during the Chip 4 Charity golf days and close to R280 000 during the Boeries 4 Blankets campaigns.

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Tuning into South African audio consumption

Ushering in an era where easy access to a string of audio avenues is fast becoming the norm for listeners and consumers.

South Africans are changing the way they consume and interact with audio. Traditionally, listening habits and options have been one-dimensional.

The radio, a cassette, an audio book or a digital service provider. International brands have often dominated modern tech spaces, side-lining local content. Long-existing technical and legislative barriers have also made it made it difficult to have a bouquet of audio options in one place, but these are quickly falling away.  

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Nie alle skatte is silwer en goud nie, partykeer is dit geel!

OFM – die klank van jou lewe is op 29 Mei 2023 aangekondig as die wenner van ’n silwer toekenning in die Beeld Jou Keuse-lesersaanbevelings waar verskeie ondernemings in 102 kategorieë pluimpies ontvang het vir hul puik diens, billike pryse en naverkopediens.

Sentraal Suid-Afrika se voorste radiostasie, OFM, is onder die kategorie ‘nasionale radiostasie’ naastens RSG en Jacaranda FM aangewys as lesers se gunsteling.

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OFM stel eksklusiewe handelsware bekend

’n Eerste vir OFM en beslis iets vir alle fans, asook almal wat van klerasie met ’n kwinkslag hou. Wat is dan nou beter as om na jou gunsteling radiostasie te luister en nou ook unieke klere van OFM te kan dra?

CLOSET – ’n splinternuwe inisiatief waardeur OFM verskeie items te koop aan al ons luisteraars gaan aanbied. Hierdie unieke winkel word eksklusief by Graan SA se NAMPO Oesdag vanaf 16 tot 19 Mei 2023 aangebied!

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OFM promotes Sales Manager to Sales and Marketing Manager, recruits Brand Manager

OFM – the sound of your life – has announced the promotion of one of its own to the position of Sales and Marketing Manager and the recruitment of a Brand Manager.

Effective immediately, Anchen Lintvelt, will take on the role of Sales and Marketing Manager. In this new position, Anchen will oversee the sales and marketing departments, developing and implementing strategies to drive revenue growth and increase market share.

OFM has also welcomed Bianca Smit, a seasoned marketing professional, as the new Brand Manager.

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Central Media Group supports Free State Arts

The central region has over many decades been an important hub for the development of the performing arts. Many of South Africa’s greatest thespians have been proud to call the Free State home and have moved through the hallowed halls of the renowned Performing Arts Center of the Free State (Pacofs) in Bloemfontein, considered one of the best theatre facilities in the country.

Such a proud institution, however, needs continued support from the community and the business fraternity to continue to deliver the important service of the development of those in the creative industry and the upliftment of communities through art and culture.

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OFM versterk die klank van NAMPO Oesdag

OFM is trots om aan te kondig dat hy terugkeer as die amptelike mediavennoot van Graan SA se NAMPO Oesdag vir 2023.

Afrika se grootste landbouskou vind van Dinsdag 16 tot Vrydag 19 Mei 2023 by NAMPO Park, net buite Bothaville, plaas.

In 2022 was hierdie geleentheid ‘n reuse sukses. NAMPO het gespog met 73 000 besoekers, 800 uitstallers – waarvan 150 nuut was – en 925 besoekers het deur die lugruim inbeweeg – dit het 335 vliegtuie en 70 helikopters ingesluit!

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