OFM, the sound of Central South Africa, is once again leading the way with innovative radio content offerings by presenting “Celeb Radio” during June and July.

In June and July, central South Africa will hear some of South Africa’s favourite celebrities present their own radio show from 09:00 to 12:00 weekdays, for a full five-day week. Each show will be hosted by the respective celebrity with the assistance of the hosts of the Breakfast Special on OFM, André Kunz and Yolanda Maartens.

Says Nick Efstathiou, OFM General Manager: “Our regular mid-morning presenter, Isabel Potgieter, will be on maternity leave from the 22nd of June. At OFM we love a challenge and instead of coming up with the usual stand-in solution, we decided to up the entertainment stakes by doing something unusual and fresh. “Celeb Radio” is the result!”

Celebrities in their own right but know more for their stage performances and popular music include Arno Carstens (week of 22 June), Monique Steyn (week of 29 June), Margit Meyer-Rodenbeck (week of 13 July) and Nadine (week of 27 July).

“The celebrities we have chosen for this exciting new venture are some of our listeners’ favourite stars and are also loyal friends of the station. All of us at OFM is looking forward to the next few weeks and in welcoming these celebrities to the OFM family. Winter has never been this exciting!”


Enquiries: Nick Efstathiou
Tel: (051) 5050 900

OFM Banner


OFM, the sound of central South Africa, broadcasts from South Africa’s biggest agriculture show, presents South African rock band the Parlotones on tour and a chance to win R10 000 during the month of May. 

From 12 to 15 May, OFM once again broadcasts from South Africa’s biggest agricultural show, Grain SA’s Nampo Harvest Day. Over the years, the Nampo Harvest Day has grown both in stature and in numbers with thousands of visitors expected to attend this year. Cyril Viljoen will be broadcasting ‘At Lunch with Cyril’, live from Nampo Harvest Day weekdays from 12:00 to 15:00 to bring listeners all the latest from the exhibition. Nampo Harvest Day receives 60,000 visitors over four days with over R1 billion rand of agriculture equip,ment on display.

From 18 to 28 May, listeners have the chance to win R10 000 in The Ten Second Challenge. To win the cash, ten songs must be identified in ten seconds. The 10-second song montage will be played during The Trend, with Enriko Klopper and Lerato Leila from 19:00. SMS ‘ten’ and the answers to 36636 and Enriko or Lerato might call you back to make you a winner.

Also in May, the multi-platinum selling band, The Parlotones will be touring through central South Africa to play hits from their new album, ‘Antiques and Artefacts’. Catch them at Emoya Estate in Bloemfontein on 14 May, Rio Casino in Klerksdorp on 15 May and The Barn in Vereeniging on 16 May. 

Says OFM General Manager, Nick Efstathiou: “OFM has long been an ardent supporter of this great South African rock band and is once again proud to be associated with their central South African tour.”

Finally, OFM celebrates the music of the 90’s during 90’s Rock Weekend on 15 and 16 May, and 90’s One Hit Wonder weekend on 29 and 30 May. As always, listeners stand the chance to win money and CD’s by tuning in to our theme weekends. 

For more information about any of these events, please go to or stay tuned to OFM, the sound of your life.


Enquiries: Nick Efstathiou
Tel: (051) 5050 900


OFM steeds trotse lid van Pendoring-familie

OFM, die klank van sentraal Suid-Afrika, is weer ’n bronsborg van die Pendoring-reklametoekennings.

Volgens Nick Efstathiou, OFM se hoofbestuurder, is die radiostasie opgewonde om steeds deel van hierdie toekennings te wees en daarmee sy ondersteuning van Afrikaans op ‘n sigbare manier te toon.

“Die Pendoring-toekennings wat vanjaar 20 jaar oud is, is een van die mees gesogte reklametoekennings in Suid-Afrika. Dit is vir ons ‘n voorreg om Suid-Afrikaanse reklame, en veral Afrikaanse reklame, op hierdie manier te ondersteun. OFM het ’n geweldige groot Afrikaanse gehoor en hierdie luisteraars is vir ons werklik belangrik. Ons hoop dat ons vennootskap met die Pendoring-toekennings ook op hierdie manier ‘n bydrae tot die uitbou van Afrikaans sal lewer,” sê Efstathiou.

Behalwe die borgskap gee OFM aan die wenner van ’n goue Pendoring in die radiokategorie R75 000 se gratis handelslugtyd mits die bekroonde advertensie op OFM geskeduleer was. In die geval van meer as een wenner kry elke wenner handelslugtyd ter waarde van R50 000 van OFM, mits die bekroonde advertensies op OFM geskeduleer was.
Pendoring is die enigste reklametoekennings in Suid-Afrika wat reklameskeppers finansieel beloon vir uitmuntende werk.

• Die wenner van die Prestigeprys, vir die beste Afrikaanse advertensie, ontvang ? oorsese studiereis ter waarde van R100 000.

• Die wenner van die Umpetha-toekenning, vir die beste advertensie in een van die ander inheemse tale, ontvang R20 000 kontant.

• Elke goue wenner ontvang ’n goue Pendoring-trofee en R6 000 kontant.
• Elke silwerwenner ontvang ’n silwer Pendoring-trofee en R2 500 kontant.
• Die algehele studentewenner stap weg met ’n kontantprys van R10 000, asook ’n internskap in 2016 by Etiket.

Inskrywings sluit vanjaar op 31 Julie. Die wenners word op 30 Oktober tydens ‘n glansryke gala-aand by Vodacom World, in Midrand, aangewys.

Vir meer inligting oor die Pendoring-toekennings, besoek, of bly ingeskakel op OFM, die klank van jou lewe.

Al ons borge is:
Platinum: ATKV, Huisgenoot, Media24, kykNET, Die Dagbreek Trust
Goud: Toyota
Silwer: Die Burger, Rapport
Brons: OFM, Ads24, Jacaranda FM, Caxton-gemeenskapskoerante
Ons vennote is:; Maroela Media, Leopards’s Leap Wines, Newsclip,, DEKAT



OFM, the sound of your life is bringing one of South Africa’s best loved and most successful bands, The Parlotones, to Central South Africa in May.

The multi-platinum selling band will play hits from their new album, ‘Antiques and Artefacts’ at Emoya Estate in Bloemfontein on 14 May, Rio Casino in Klerksdorp on 15 May and The Barn in Vereeniging on 16 May. 

Says Nick Efstathiou, OFM General Manager: “The Parlotones is one of South Africa’s music success stories and we are thrilled and proud to bring them to Central South Africa. We hope to see our listeners come out in numbers to support this brilliant band.”

The Parlotones has been making music for more than 10 years and have achieved massive success in South Africa and abroad. The band released their debut album Episoda in 2003 and have since released five more studio albums. They have toured internationally since 2007 and have toured with big names such as Coldplay, Snow Patrol and Blue October.

For more information about the Central South Africa tour, go to or tune in to OFM, the sound of your life.


Enquiries: Nick Efstathiou
Tel: (051) 5050 900