
Upington listener wins OFM’s Big Radio Registration grand prize

OFM, the Sound of Your Life, is thrilled to announce Ilze Basson-Eva as the grand prize winner of R20 024 during our Big Radio Registration campaign.

In 2024, OFM vowed to bring listeners more, and the competition, held throughout February and March, as part of OFM’s commitment to connect with our listeners, culminated in Basson-Eva’s selection from hundreds of entries across Central South Africa.

The 42-year-old freelance graphic designer from Upington, says she’ll likely be spending her winnings om home renovations and then treating her family, her husband and two sons, aged 10 and 13, to a weekend away.

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O-mazing Leap Day celebrated on OFM

OFM, the sound of your life broke all the rules to turn the radio station on its head during Leap Day to allow ‘anything to happen’.

29 February 2024 was earmarked “Anything Can Happen Day” on OFM and the presenters did a great job of surprising and entertaining Central South Africa with chances to win as well as granting their wishes for requests of unusual music choices that may not be heard on a regular basis.

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Van ‘Nuwe Liefde’ tot nuwe seisoen vir Nadine Blom

Een van Bloemfontein se mooiste rose is eersdaags terug in haar geboortestad en sal ook op die klankgolwe te hoor wees as deel van die OFM-span.

Nadine Blom, die geliefde sangeres, motiveringspreker en die brein agter die Supercool vir Jesus-handelsmerk, skuif op 1 April 2024 agter die mikrofoon in op Die Klank van Jou Lewe. Sy sal deel wees van die ontbytprogram, Good Morning Breakfast, elke weeksoggend van 06:00 tot 09:00, sowel as die Nuut in Afrikaans, elke Sondagaand van 19:00 tot 20:00.

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Stand up and be counted with The Big Radio Registration

In 2024, OFM, the Sound of Your Life is bringing you so much more by going beyond the airwaves to meet our valued listeners in person and celebrate the diversity that makes each one more than just a number to us.

In February and March, the OFM team will embark on a journey crisscrossing Central South Africa, stopping at key towns from 09:00 to 17:00 during “The Big Radio Registration” campaign.

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OFM raises R500k+ for CANSA

Photo from left to right: Morné van Rooyen, Shandor Potgieter, Bianca Smit, HJ Botha (CANSA), Anchen Lintvelt, Nick Efstathiou, Nico van der Westhuizen, Nikki van der Linde, Elzette Boucher-Krüger

In a remarkable display of solidarity and generosity OFM, the Sound of Your Life, successfully raised a staggering R575 000 during its PinkTober campaign. During October, this impactful initiative aimed to raise awareness of breast cancer and provide support to those affected by the disease.

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OFM can once again proudly say that it is the best local radio station in Bloemfontein! The winners of the 11th annual Best of Bloemfontein Readers’ Choice Awards, hosted by Bloemfontein Courant, were announced this week and OFM came up trumps.

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OFM continues to shine!

Two of OFM’s behind-the-scenes magic-makers – Motlatsi JayBee Makhalemele and Jaco de Waal – have been recognised for their hard work and dedication. They were recently announced as finalists in the SA Radio Awards 2023 – in the Commercial Radio Content Producers Category.

Makhalemele is the producer of The Joyride (Mondays to Fridays 15:00 to 18:00), and De Waal produces the Good Morning Breakfast (Mondays to Fridays 06:00 to 09:00). The winners will be announced at a gala dinner on 2 December.

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OFM goes pink in support of CANSA

This October, OFM’s #PinkTober campaign aims to raise awareness of and support for those affected by breast cancer. We’re calling on Central South Africa to support our drive to raise R300 000 for the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) during this month.

According to CANSA, the number one type of cancer reported among South African women is breast cancer. Approximately 19.4-million women aged 15 years and older live at-risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s important for women to be empowered with knowledge regarding lowering their cancer and health risk and recognising warning signs.

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Sharp-eared Virginian wins THE 37

THE 37, the song guessing competition that kept Central South Africa in suspense for a month, came to a dramatic close when Nadia Jooste from Virginia in the Free State was announced the grand prize winner of R37 000 cash!

On 31 July 2023, OFM announced that as part of our 37th birthday celebrations, we would give listeners the chance to win R37 000 if they could correctly guess which songs were represented by 37 snippets mixed in a montage. The catch – contestants would only be allowed to submit one entry. At first, the montage was only played on air and later released for download online. Some listeners took a chance and entered as soon as they were confident they cracked it, others played it safe and waited.

After the final clue was released, a deluge of entries were received. Many were correct, but who was first?

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